联 系 人: 彭老师
手 机:15000890945
电话: 021-33511084
Q Q :
主持人: 吴肖乐副教授
演讲嘉宾:Siqian Shen,Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Title:Optimizing the Profitability and Quality of Service in Carshare Systems
Abstract:In this talk, we apply stochastic integer programming to optimizing allocation of a carshare fleet to service zones under the uncertainty of one-way and round-trip rental demand. We minimize the cost of purchasing parking lots/parking permits, in reservation-/free-float-based systems, in addition to the cost of allocating vehicles. We employ the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method, where we construct a spatial-temporal network for each sample to capture the total profit, vehicle relocation cost, and penalties from unsatisfied demand. We minimize the expected cost minus profit, and also consider a risk-averse model variant that penalizes the conditional value-at-risk of unsatisfied demand. For each model, we develop a branch-and-cut algorithm with mixed-integer rounding-enhanced Benders cuts. We test instances generated from Zipcar data in Boston to demonstrate the insights of stochastic carshare system management. We will discuss several extensions of our models in various applications, including vehicle-to-grid integration and building shared service networks for underserved communities.